

Our project is aimed to use art to promote the learning of English as a second Language in order to improve social and cultural cohesion among different countries.


We start from a premise of needs, which are the following:

 - To improve the learning of English as a second Language through an innovative, emotional and exciting approach.

 - To motivate students to face apathy and bad experiences they had at school, which lead to the high rates of school dropouts.

 - To unite different cultures and countries and to encourage an interest for a global world where all the citizens are equal.

 - To encourage the use of innovative and new methodologies which allow the improvement of pedagogic processes, developing the strengths of each student, taking advantage of their diversity and having fun at School.


According to these needs, and having to resort to the strengths and specialization areas of each school participating in the project, we set the following objectives:


 1.- To promote the English Language, socio-cultural inclusion, the union of countries and cultures in Europe.

 2.- To implement innovative an new methodologies in our teaching, which will help to improve the motivation and  involvement of students.

 3.- To achieve a higher impact and influence in education, mainly in the educational and institutional community, transferring  the learning to the rest of the community through training sessions and promoting the establishment of a network of people  who want to involve to carry out future cooperation actions.

 4.- To implement the results of this project in future plans and programs which could be developed in an institution with a  higher impact.

 5.- To consolidate the aspiration of each member to become a school offering excellence education which would be a  reference in its region.

Expected results

The TANGIBLE results expected during the Project are the following:


- The creation of a dynamic and updated web platform during and after the Project, which will be an open site of contents. In this website we pretend not just to update the news and milestones achieved during the Project, but also, to create mainly a meeting point during the Project, where educational content such as video-tutorials of different innovative educational workshops, Prezi presentations made by the students about the Project, a gallery of audiovisual creations,… are offered to the whole educational community.


- To create a virtual campus and training courses for the teachers. Inside this web platform, and taking into account the experience of all teachers involved in the virtual campus management Project, our Moodle Virtual Campus will be hosted with different training courses for the Project. This Campus will also host open training resources directed also at students.


- To create and manage profiles in Social Networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, where everything related to the Project will be linked, from the objectives and starting point, until every “product” students will design during the Project.


- To give seminars and talks about the Project: open to all the educational community, especially for parents and teachers, with the main objective of improving the dissemination of the Project and to achieve its goals.


- To create an educational project to be used with the students, based on teaching original workshops using art and different plastic, audiovisual and artistic creation techniques. Also, a work booklet will be enclosed, not only in PDF, but also printed, with an open licence (like all the material of the Project) in order to expect an open and international dissemination of the Project in all the educational community.


- To create short movies using the Stop- Motion or Time Lapse techniques about the contents of the Project.

- To create Geolocated Maps using the web tool called Eduloc about the content of the Project.

- To create Video clips with traditional dances from each country and about the content of the Project.

- To show the audiovisual results of the Project in a temporal exhibition in the Museo de Arte Abstracto Español of Cuenca (Museum of Spanish Abstract Art)

- Logotype and institutional image of the Project.

- Contextualized decoration of the schools (members): pictures, posters, graffiti, Erasmus corner, etc.


The STRATEGIC results expected during the project are the following:

- To get to know on-the-spot the educative, social and cultural reality of other countries in the European Union.

- To learn new innovative and original methodology techniques used in different institutions.

- To promote the communication and “openness” of students involved in the Project around the European Union, its role in the world and its great importance, appealing to terms like disparity, life quality, migratory movements, cultural and artistic expressions, etc. in order to improve the cohesion and the European feeling.

- To contribute to the socio-cultural integration of all the people around world, especially in this moment when migratory movements are already common knowledge.

- To carry out quality control processes to get feedback to innovate in new methodological approaches.


The TANGIBLE results expected after the Project are the following:

- The maintenance of the results, resources, materials and platforms created during the project.

- Two scientific articles about Student’s attitude towards English as a Second Language, developed in cooperation with the University of Castilla-La Mancha. The attitude of students will be measure before and after the Project in order to explore how it has improved as a result of the use of innovative methodologies.

- The participation in forums and conferences where we could disseminate the developed activities in order to get more teachers to use them in their lessons.


The STRATEGIC results expected after the Project are the following:


- To apply the innovative actions obtained in the teaching of each School.

- The promotion and dissemination of the developed Training Project to get to more population.

- The development of quality plans thanks to the knowledge learnt through the Project.

- The promotion of the program Erasmus+ in the institutions in our regions, being of help and a guide among them.

- The participation in Etwinning and Erasmus+ projects, with more ambitious objectives (such as a KA201 of Innovation Development).


Activities in which beneficiaries will be involved


We have to take into consideration that the Project is strongly based on the idea of having an influence on students of the educational institution participating in the Project, as well as on their families and the educational community where these children grow up.


In this way, we can affirm that:

- Students of all schools will participate in all activities and methodologies created and integrated around the Project.

- Teachers of these schools will received training courses created by the members so they can get new teaching and methodological techniques, as well as teaching resources and proposals.

- Families and other participants of the educational community will have for them an open Project where they can collaborate. Also, they will be able to get pedagogic ideas and fun and motivating activities proposals to do with their children outside the classroom.

- Teachers from other schools could participate in the product and results of the Project, as many of them will be designed to be carried out by teachers in different schools. Also, they will have access to the training courses carried out by the members.


- As a result of the commitment of these external teachers, many more students from different Schools will benefit from this project.

- The academic community will know the results of our project, the training program developed and how to improve their student’s attitude towards English as a Second Language.

- Finally, due to the different impact and dissemination strategies developed, we hope to get to many more schools, students and educational communities outside our regions and autonomous communities of reference.